
Dr. Matthias Schmidt


  • 1989 graduation as Master of Laws at the University of Vienna
  • 1990-1991 Assistant at the Institute for Civil Law, o.Univ.Prof. Dr. R. Welser, University of Vienna
  • 1991 Doctorate in Law, Juridicum Vienna

Professional career:

  • 1989/90 Court year
  • 1991/92 Internship with Walter, Conston, Alexander & Green, Attorneys at Law, New York, USA
  • 1992-1995 Associate with Preslmayr & Partner
  • since 1995 Attorney at Law
  • 1996 – 6/2022 Partner at Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • since 7/2022 Partner at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


  • Schmidt, Practical and legal issues of trusteeship after a restructuring plan, in Konecny (ed.), Insolvenz-Forum 2012.
  • Schmidt, Unternehmenskauf im Konkurs, in Innovation und internationale Rechtspraxis, eine Praxisschrift für Wolfgang Zankl (2009).
  • Schmidt/Jenny, Unternehmensveräußerung in der Insolvenz, in Jaufer/Nunner-Krautgasser/Schummer (eds.), Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (2021).

Mag. Erland Pirker


  • 1993 Diploma studies of law at the University of Vienna
  • 1998 bar exam with “very good” success

Professional career:

  • 1995 – 2000 Associate with Boller Langhammer Schubert Attorneys at Law
  • 2000 Associate with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • 2001 – 6/2022 Attorney at Law and Partner at Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • since 7/2022 Attorney at Law and Partner at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law
  • 2006 – 2019 Member of the Management Board of the Deposit Insurance Fund of Banks and Bankers
  • 2017 – 2/2022 Member of the Management Board of Deposit Guarantee AUSTRIA


  • Raschauer/Stern (eds.), Einlagensicherung Rechtsvergleich – Praxisfälle – Bedeutung für die Finanzstabilität; co-author
  • Bauernfeind/Fuhrmann/Pirker/Verweijen, investment apartments (2021);


Mag. Christian Podoschek


  • 2001 Magister Juris, University of Vienna
  • 2003 Studies at Columbia University, New York City

Professional career:

  • 2003 – 2008 Associate with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • 2008 – 6/2022 with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • since 7/2022 Attorney at Law and Partner at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


  • Podoschek, § 131 BaSAG – class bankruptcy in bank insolvencies, ZIK 2016, 179.
  • Podoschek/Stipanitz, Das Masseanderkonto im Konkurs der kontoführenden Bank, ZIK 2020, 141.
  • Stipanitz/Podoschek, The Insolvency Law Insolvency of Credit Institutions, ÖBA 2022, 510.
  • Koppenwallner/Podoschek, Sportveranstaltungsrecht, in König/Mitteregger (eds.), Praxishandbuch des österreichischen Sportrechts, p 467 ff.


Mag. Matthias Stipanitz, LL.M.


  • 2017 Diploma studies of law at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
  • 2019 Course Accounting for Lawyers at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
  • 2021 Bar exam with “very good” success
  • 2022 Master of Law in Corporate Restructuring at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
  • since 2020 Doctoral studies in law at the University of Vienna

Professional career:

  • 2014 – 2018 Legal assistant at Stipanitz-Schreiner & Partner Attorneys at Law
  • 2017 – 2018 Court practice in the district of the Higher Regional Court Graz
  • 2018 – 2019 Associate at Stipanitz-Schreiner & Partner Attorneys at Law
  • 2019 – 6/2022 Associate at Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • since 2022 Lecturer at the FH Campus 02
  • since 7/2022 Associate with Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law
  • since 11/2022 Attorney at Law and Partner at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


  • Stipanitz, Newspapers could be liable for incorrect health tips, DerStandard, print edition of March 2, 2020.
  • Stipanitz, Is the wave of illness now being followed by a wave of insolvencies? Wiener Zeitung, print edition of 7.5.2020.
  • Podoschek/Stipanitz, Das Masseanderkonto im Konkurs der kontoführenden Bank, ZIK 2020, 141.
  • Jenny/Stipanitz, Consequences of the limitation of liability pursuant to sec. 275 para. 2 UGB and sec. 62a BWG – At the same time a reply to ÖBA 2020, 774, ÖBA 2021, 677.
  • Stipanitz, The freehand sale by the insolvency administrator in the light of GREx, ZIK 2021,5.
  • Stipanitz/Rendl, The new Austrian ReO in the light of the German StaRUG and the Dutch WHOA, Global Restructuring Review, 17.5.2022.
  • Stipanitz/Podoschek, The Insolvency Law Insolvency of Credit Institutions, ÖBA 2022, 510.
  • Stipanitz, Die Patronatserklärung als eigenkapitalersetzende Sicherheit, GES 2022, 168.
  • Stipanitz, Stronger convergence of national laws to promote cross-border investment and a look at the model law for a harmonized right of avoidance, ZIK 2022, 224.


Mag.a Stephanie Rendl


  • 2018 LSE Summer School Program, London
  • 2020 Diploma studies in law at the University of Vienna

Professional career:

  • 2016 Administrative Internship Austrian Consulate General New York
  • 2017 – 2020 Legal assistant at renowned law firms in Vienna
  • 2021 Court practice in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
  • 2021 – 6/2022 Associate with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law
  • since 7/2022 Associate at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


  • Rendl, Der Unterlassungs- und Beseitigungsanspruch des Arbeitgebers bei Verletzung von Persönlichkeitsrechten seiner Mitarbeiter, ARD 6784/6/2022.
  • Stipanitz/Rendl, The new Austrian ReO in the light of the German StaRUG and the Dutch WHOA, Global Restructuring Review, 17.5.2022.


Mag. Alexander Spreitzer


  • 2018 LSE Summer School Program, London
  • 2020 Diploma studies in law at the University of Vienna

Professional career:

  • 2018 – 2019 Legal assistant at Urbanek & Rudolph Attorneys at Law
  • 2020 – 2021 Court practice in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
  • 2021 – 2022 Associate with HSP Attorneys at Law
  • since 10/2022 Associate with Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


Eva Maria Brandstetter


  • 2019 Diploma studies in law at the University of Vienna

Professional career:

  • 2017-2019 Student assistant at a renowned law firm in Vienna
  • 2019 Internship at the Austrian Foreign Trade Center in London
  • 2019-2022 Key Account Manager at Procter & Gamble in Vienna
  • 2022-2023 Senior Category Manager at Procter & Gamble in Frankfurt am Main
  • 2024 Court practice in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
  • since 8/2024 Associate with Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


Iris Borns, LL.M., LL.B.


  • 2020: Bachelor’s degree program in Business Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • 2022: Master’s degree in Business Law at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Professional career:

  • 2018-2020: Student assistant at Lawpartners Rechtsanwälte
  • 2020-2022: Legal assistant at Schramm Öhler Attorneys at Law
  • 2022-2023: Court practice in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
  • 2023- 4/2024: Associate at Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte
  • Since 5/2024: Associate at Schmidt Pirker Podoschek Attorneys at Law


  • Dabernig/I.
    Borns in Rastegar/Rastegar/Rastegar, FlexKapGG-ON1.00 § 20.